The Theseus Vault receipt token.

The PRICE of MOZ-THE-LP will fluctuate depending on the change in price of the asset(s) the vault has exposure to. The vault may 'hold' one OR multiple assets at any given time or defer to a stable asset (USDC) if price volatility is determined to be unfavourable.

Take for example a deposit of $100 at a PRICE of $1.00 per MOZ-THE-LP:

  • On the first day or after 24 hours, the price of the MOZ-THE-LP appreciates to $1.04, the deposit will now be worth $104 only if the user executes a withdrawal.

  • On the second day or after 48 hours, the price of MOZ-THE-LP depreciates to $1.02, the deposit will now be worth $102 only if the user executes a withdrawal.

Yield generated is excluded from the above scenario.