
The process for passing proposals in the MozaicDAO.

Below, is the current process for passing Mozaic Improvement Proposals (MIPs) as the protocol moves towards decentralization. This is a living, breathing page that will develop over time as the Mozaic protocol continues to grow.

Proposals will have an indicated ‘status’ and will only become official MIPs once they are posted to the Mozaic Snapshot.

Proposals will always go live on Snapshot at 1pm UTC on Tuesday.



Proposals are first posted to the #draft-proposals channel in the Mozaic Discord. Here, they are open for discussion where the MozaicDAO will work with the Core Contributors to weigh in on and deliberate whether or not to push the proposal to Snapshot (active). In the near future, The Senate will be responsible for deciding whether proposals should remain open or become active.

A guiding timeframe for ‘open’ discussion should still be noted in any proposals.


Proposal has received enough support to be posted to Snapshot. Once the timeframe for discussion has elapsed there will be a final ‘call out’ for DAO members to voice any final comments or concerns. The pros and cons will be weighed, with DAO sentiment toward the proposal also taken closely into consideration.


Once posted to Snapshot and the proposal has been voted upon by the DAO, its status will change depending on the outcome of the vote.

Current voting time: 72 hours.


Proposals will be live on Snapshot for three days for voting. A minimum amount of votes (quorum) is needed for any proposal to pass.

This is set to 0.4% of the Max Supply (in xMOZ) or 4,000,000.

Quorum will be updated as the DAO expands and circulating supply increases.

A proposal must have at least 65% or more votes in favour to pass.



  • You must have the @hodler role in the Mozaic Discord to participate in the MozaicDAO discussion. Requirement: 100 MOZ or xMOZ.

  • If you are vesting xMOZ —> MOZ you will be unable to participate in voting at this time.

Last updated

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