How To?

Use /slash commands in the #doiqonomy-v2 channel


Remember, your NET WORTH is separated into:

CASH BALANCE: 100,000 🍍

BANK BALANCE: 100,000 🍍


/work - get to work doiqer: 200 - 300 🍍 / 2h

/slut - sell yourself: 300 - 400 🍍 / 2h

  • 5-7% tax on /slut failure (15% failure chance)


/balance - view your cash and bank balance

/deposit - deposit cash into your bank

/withdraw - withdraw cash from your bank

/collect income - if you have any to collect (daily)

/give-money - Feeling generous?


/roulette <bet>

/blackjack <bet>

/russian-roulette <bet>

/cock-fight <bet> [must own a chicken from the /item store]

Available for each player once every 24 hours.

Last updated